UBX Mugshot aka Muggy, DOB 5/21/22, 60#, 3 races

Muggy’s trainer described her as a sweet, busy, active girl.

Here’s what her fosterers have to say about her after 36 hours:

  • Has settled in to pet life easily.
  • Responds to her name.
  • Walks great on non-carpeted floors.
  • Seems to prefer men over women.
  • Very food motivated.
  • Is sleeping fine at night after doing some pacing the first night.
  • Does not like being alone in a room and will “sing” to let us know she’s unhappy.
  • Pulls a little on-leash because she wants to be ahead of our Irish Setter.
  • Already goes to the back door to let us know when she has to go out.

UPDATE 2/12/24: Muggy is a lovely girl. She will chew wood furniture if not given other options. We have Himalayan yak cheese sticks. She prefers the white bones with filling though. She could easily become a counter surfer. She takes a stern NO & corrects easily. She eats in her crate but sings if left in long, UNLESS Gracie is in crate next to her. Then she’s fine for hours. She can go downstairs on her own but has zero confidence going up & needs help. She WANTS to & cries at the bottom but won’t put her back feet on the stairs without someone to help her. We think it will only take a single day to train her. She’s extremely curious about our 2 cats & they can escape her by running up the stairs. She just trots after them, then looks at them & puts front paws on the stairs. She has peed on leash but so far not pooped except in the  yard. She eats everything and not too quickly. She is very food motivated. She sleeps on our main floor when we go upstairs. We put her muzzle on to protect the furniture or a nosy brave cat. She doesn’t make a fuss at all & sleeps through the night. She still pulls more than I would like when we walk with Gracie. When she walks alone with me she’s much better & close to my knee. If she’s with Gracie, she wants the lead & so does Gracie. She hasn’t had an accident in the house at all. She loves being in the yard or inside in her bed equally. She has a favorite stuffy & hasn’t torn up anything
She is fine around other people. She was good with my daughter’s smaller mutt & greyhound in the house & yard. She gives hugs & kisses to everyone.


Age: 2 years in May
Cats: Cat curious