O Ya Dang Boy (Bo on the farm, Dang Boy in the race kennel, Bob in the adoption kennel but he answers best to Bo), dark brindle male, 77lbs, 5 races
DOB 6/25/22
According to his trainer, Bo is a good boy, very lovey and calm, just too slow to race. The adoption kennel coordinator said he was always a sweet, mellow, tail waggy boy that never caused any trouble with the other dogs.
Bo was the backseat driver during the trip from West Virginia to Delaware. He never attempted to climb over the baby gate behind the front seats; he simply wanted to be as close as possible to the drivers so he didn’t miss out on getting any of their attention. He ignored the test kitties on arrival day but he’s being fostered with two greyhound savvy cats just to be sure he wasn’t lying. He’s also doing well with two female greyhounds in his foster home.
Age: 2-1/2 years
Cats: cat safe