LK’s Dowdy, aka Scooby, is a 77 lb. brindle & white male with four white socks, white on the end of his tail, and an adorable overbite. He’ll be three years old on Christmas Eve. According to the adoption kennel manager, Scooby loved to give love and receive love and was a very calm boy. His foster mom says he’s a sweet boy that loves to be with people all the time. He hasn’t been scared of loud noises like the blender or dishwasher and is adjusting to the various floor surfaces in their home. He’s very alert, especially outside – very interested in cars, birds, dogs, and even what other people are doing. He doesn’t mind the crate except at night when he can’t see/be with his people. He sniffs the family’s five-year-old daughter but doesn’t react when she has run around him. He’s been great with the 11-year-old female greyhound in his foster home. Scooby is also cat safe.

Update: Scooby is now living with a young family in Kennett Square, PA that have a 3-1/2 year old son and a female greyhound named Ruby. Ruby has been very lonely since losing her greyhound brother last November but when she met Scooby, it seemed to be love at first sight! With matching names – Scooby & Ruby – we think it won’t take long for his status to move to ADOPTED!

Update #2: Scooby won his new family over in no time!

Age: 2-1/2 years
Cats: Cat safe